We’re America’s Craft Wine.

Bold, ambitious, unconventional. Made like America with as much character and spirit as the figures that don each of our bottles. Pour it in a glass or a flask, wherever life takes you. Our wine is crafted for one purpose: to make history.

The Winesmith

The explorers of our craft are the Winesmiths. They’ve travelled this land, searching every vine and grape for the American taste – our taste. But we’re not done yet. There’s still history to make.

The Grapevine

Each of our vines takes its own twists and turns, but eventually they all lead to the same place: our grapes. The grapevine is as unpredictable as the American spirit. Growing forth towards bold and unique flavors. Always reaching for new heights.

The Juice

Grapes, neat. From the deep dark purple of our reds, to the light luscious gold of our Chardonnay: the proof is in the juice. Big, bright flavor will eventually give way to notes of tart cherry or blackberry. Spicy cinnamon or smoky vanilla. But for now, it’s as fresh as the great frontier.

The Barrels

Our barrels are a craft in and of themselves. Artfully constructed from century-old oak to friction-fit iron, and marked with the John Hancock of The Federalist seal. It’s in these barrels that our wine develops its unconventional taste.

The Bottles

You can’t get far without a vessel. Our bottles are home to our wine, at least until it meets your glass. That’s why every detail is carefully crafted. From the hollowed punt to the matte capsule. Each bottle wears a forefather on its sleeve, to serve as a reminder that we’re here to make history.

The Glass

America’s Craft Wine should be in arm’s reach wherever life takes you. Whether that’s in stemware at the dinner table, or in a flask by the river. We prefer a humble rocks glass, not too sleek or showy. Keeps the focus on what’s inside. Resolutely crafted for one purpose: making history.